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  Traffic Signs

Mandatory/Regulatory Signs
Stop & give way
Prohibitory signs
No parking & No stopping signs
Speed limit & Vehicle control
Restriction Ends
Compulsory & direction control signs
Cautionary Sign
Information Signs
Direction & place identification signs
Facility Information Signs
Other Information Signs
Parking Signs

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Road Markings

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Hand Signals

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RIGHT/LEFT HAND CURVE: This sign is used where the direction of alignment changes. The sign forewarns the driver to reduce the speed and proceed cautiously along the road.
RIGHT/LEFT HAIR PIN BEND: This sign is used where the change in direction is so considerable that it amounts to reversal of direction. The symbol bends to right or left depending upon the road alignment.
RIGHT/LEFT REVERSE BEND: This sign is used where the nature of the reverse bend is not obvious to approaching traffic and constitutes a hazard. If the first curve is to the right, a right reverse bend shall be used. If the first curve is to the left, a left reverse bend is used.
NARROW BRIDGE: This sign is erected on roads in advance of bridges where the clear width between the kerbs or wheel guards is less than normal width of carriageway.
GAP IN MEDIAN: This gap is installed ahead of a gap in the median of a divided carriageway, other than an intersection.
NARROW ROAD: This sign is normally found in rural areas where a sudden reduction in width of pavement causes a danger to traffic.
ROAD WIDENS: This sign is normally found in rural areas where a sudden widening of road causes a danger to traffic, such as, a two-lane road suddenly widening to a dual carriageway.
CYCLE CROSSING: This sign is erected in advance of all uncontrolled cycle crossings.
PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: This sign is erected in advance of both approaches to uncontrolled pedestrian crossings.
SCHOOL: This sign is erected where school buildings or grounds are adjacent to the road where the traffic creates a hazard to children.
MEN AT WORK: This sign is displayed only when men and machines are working on the road or adjacent to it or on overhead lines or poles. This sign is removed when the work is completed.
SIDE ROAD LEFT/RIGHT: This sign is displayed in advance of the side road intersections where a large volume of entering traffic together with restricted sight distance is likely to constitute a hazard. The driver is warned of the existence of a junction.
Y-INTERSECTION: These signs are displayed on the approach to a bifurcation of any road. This sign warns of the existence of a junction and no other indication is given.
MAJOR ROAD: These signs are displayed in advance of crossing with the major road, where a sufficiently large volume of traffic together with a sufficiently large volume of traffic together with restricted sight is likely to cause a hazard.
STAGGERED INTERSECTION: This sign is used to indicate junctions where the distance between two junctions is not more than 60 meters.
T INTERSECTION: This sign is displayed in advance of T-junctions where the nature of inter-section is not obvious to approaching traffic. This sign is used to warn the driver of the existence of a junction. ROUNDABOUT: This sign is used where it is necessary to indicate the approach to a roundabout.
START OF DUAL CARRIAGEWAY: This sign is displayed when a single carriageway ends into a dual carriageway.
END OF DUAL CARRIAGEWAY: This sign is displayed when a dual carriageway is ending and a single carriageway is starting.
REDUCED CARRIAGEWAY: These signs caution the driver of the reduction in the width of the carriageway ahead. This is displayed on undivided carriageways when some portion of the carriageway is closed or reduced for repairs.
TWO WAY OPERATION: This sign is used to caution the driver of a changed pattern of traffic operation of the carriageway expected to carry traffic in one direction only. CROSS ROAD: This sign is displayed in advance of the cross road where a sufficiently large volume of crossing or entering traffic with restricted sight distance is likely to constitute a hazard.


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